Keel Capital AB in Stockholm is authorised and regulated in Sweden as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen). Keel Capital is currently managing the Alternative Investment Fund Keel Capital S.A – SICAV-SIF Foghorn Fund, Foghorn X2 and Longhorn Fund, all registered and domiciled in Luxembourg. Keel Capital was founded by Mathias Svensson and Fredrik Gutenbrant in 2009.

Foghorn Fund is a long/short equity hedge fund that aims to generate stable returns at low risk. The strategy prioritizes capital preservation over profit maximization.

Foghorn Fund

Fund profile

– Targets 8-12% net annual performance
– Risk limits (max 220% gross and 100% net exposure)
– Liquid holdings
– Low volatility and low turnover rate in portfolio
– Nordic focus (max. 15% on NAV may be invested outside the Nordic markets)
– Clear investment strategy and consistent investment process
– High transparency in investment process and portfolio
– Alternative approach to risk management as complement to traditional, static measures
– Operational sustainability from start
– Targets Alpha generation in long and short positions

Investment terms:

Share classes EUR, NOK, SEK and USD
Minimum investment EUR 500 000 or NOK, SEK and USD equivalent
Management fee 1,50%
Performance fee 20%
High Water Mark (HWM) individual HWM through series of shares
Lock up none
Subscription fee none
Redemption Fee none
Shares class conversion Fee none

Fund Facts:

Launch date 5 November 2009
Fund Structure SICAV – SIF ”Incorporated as an investment company with variable capital in the form of a public company Société Anonyme qualified as a specialized investment fund (SIF) under the law of 13 February 2007″
Regulators Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, CSSF, and Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen
Central Administrative Agent and Domiciliary and Corporate Agent Apex Fund Services S.A.
Depositary and Paying Agent European Depositary Bank SA (An Apex Group Company)
Prime Broker SEB and Morgan Stanley
Auditors Deloitte Audit
Legal advisors Arendt & Medernach SA and Harvest Advokatbyrå AB
Compliance Harvest Advokatbyrå AB


Foghorn X2

Fund profile

– Targets 16-24% net annual performance
– Risk limits (max 440% gross and 200% net exposure)
– Liquid holdings
– Low volatility and low turnover rate in portfolio
– Nordic focus (max. 15% on NAV may be invested outside the Nordic markets)
– Clear investment strategy and consistent investment process
– High transparency in investment process and portfolio
– Alternative approach to risk management as complement to traditional, static measures
– Operational sustainability from start
-Targets Alpha generation in long and short positions

Investment terms:

Share classes EUR, NOK, SEK and USD
Minimum investment EUR 500 000 or NOK, SEK and USD equivalent
Management fee 1,50%
Performance fee 20%
High Water Mark (HWM) individual HWM through series of shares
Lock up none
Subscription fee none
Redemption Fee none
Shares class conversion Fee none

Fund Facts:

Launch date 1 October 2012
Fund Structure SICAV – SIF ”Incorporated as an investment company with variable capital in the form of a public company Société Anonyme qualified as a specialized investment fund (SIF) under the law of 13 February 2007″
Regulators Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, CSSF, and Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen
Central Administrative Agent and Domiciliary and Corporate Agent Apex Fundservices S.A.
Depositary and Paying Agent European Depositary Bank SA (An Apex Group Company)
Prime Broker SEB and Morgan Stanley
Auditors Deloitte Audit
Legal advisors Arendt & Medernach SA and Harvest Advokatbyrå AB
Compliance Harvest Advokatbyrå AB


Longhorn Fund

Fund profile

– Nordic focused long only fund
– Targets an outperformance of MSCI Nordic Countries Index Net TR local
– Target volatility of 8-12%
– No benchmark focus – high active risk
– Longhorn Fund is a carve-out of the long positions in Foghorn Fund

Investment terms:

Share classes EUR, NOK, SEK and USD
Minimum investment EUR 500 000 or NOK, SEK and USD equivalent
Management fee 1.5% Management fee only or 1% Management fee and 10% Performance fee above benchmark +1%
Liquidity Monthly
High Water Mark (HWM) individual HWM through series of shares
Lock up none
Subscription fee none
Redemption Fee none
Shares class conversion Fee none

Fund Facts:

Launch date 2 May 2014
Fund Structure SICAV – SIF ”Incorporated as an investment company with variable capital in the form of a public company Société Anonyme qualified as a specialized investment fund (SIF) under the law of 13 February 2007″
Regulators Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, CSSF, and Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen
Central Administrative Agent and Domiciliary and Corporate Agent Apex Fundservices S.A.
Depositary and Paying Agent European Depositary Bank SA (An Apex Group Company)
Prime Broker SEB and Morgan Stanley
Auditors Deloitte Audit
Legal advisors Arendt & Medernach SA and Harvest Advokatbyrå AB
Compliance Harvest Advokatbyrå AB